• I’m trying to gain momentum and change the “starving artist” story in my head. This was a good confidence builder.

    K A R A

  • This conference was very professional and the best one I've seen within the creative sector. It helped me to rethink various areas of the way I run my business. I signed up for a class with one of the presenters that I believe will help me make my business more sustainable.

    N I C O L E

  • I became more aware of the entities in Philly that relate to my industry. I even made important contacts at the in-person event.

    J E R E M Y

  • It was wonderful to be in community with fellow craft artists, makers, and small business owners!

    H E A T H E R M A R I E

  • I have a fulltime job in addition to my creative business and was unable to take off work, but I was able to listen to the webinars. I think the amount of content was perfect and hope this can have more in-person components in the future.

    J A M I E

  • I moved to Philly four years ago when I retired. I wanted to be in a place that appreciated and supported art and craft. This conference reaffirmed that I made a good decision. I loved watching young people claiming their space and moving ahead!

    B R I A N